Monday, January 7, 2008

Mike Lupica: Hang Them Up

So, Mike, I know you're supposed to be "objective" in your writing, but you're not and you never have been, so lets throw that out the window. Also, I know you have a column, and you haven't done any real reporting since before I was born. That's why I was shocked to see that you actually called someone that wasn't your agent, and tried to do some of what I like to call "journalistic investigation". He apparently visits Richard Emery, who is representing Brian McNamee, at Emery's home, which is the first time Lupie's been off the soap box for quite some time. From here, Lupica tells us that Clemens is going to have to answer to Congress, and that McNamee is the one with nothing to lose. Where is he getting this info?. FROM EMERY, MCNAMEE'S LAWYER. So, Lupes, what else was Emery supposed to say? "Eh, Brian's full of crap. Clemens didn't do it." Fired.
Lupica isn't new to the Clemens bashing. He's never seemed to like Clemens (although Roger hasn't exactly opened up to Lupica, who craves the ass-kissing) and seems to have a new piece on him two out of the four Sunday pieces each month. In an earlier article, he compares Clemens to Floyd Landis, blatantly disregarding the fact that Landis failed drug tests. The truth seems to get in Lupica's way, so he usually just tosses it aside. If it's not about Lupica getting his say in, no matter what the truth is behind it, it's not worth it.
Lupica needs to be let go. He's still relatively young, I don't know one reader under 50 who can stand his column or his appearance on "Sports Reporters". Sadly, when you write an opinion column, you can't be corrected or fact checked except by the legal department, because how can an opinion of someone be wrong unless it's libel or slander? Lupica doesn't answer emails that tell him facts that just so happen to be left out of some of the pieces he puts out, and he is NEVER wrong (in his own mind) on television. His appearance on "Sports Reporters" is a joke. When Dick Schapp was running that show, Lupica just chatted away, being held in check along with Bob Ryan and Mitch Albom. Now, John Saunders can't even get a word in because Lupe interrupts all the pundits and their opinions. I always wanted Jayson Witlock to just bitch-slap the hell out of him. Unfortunately, according to Witlock, Lupe had him kicked OFF that show so we will never see that. How dare someone argue with THE Michael Schmiogal Lupica?!

Join the cause: A hilarious take on the midget that is Lupe Fiasco. He's already tried to tap into Bill Simmons soul (and we all died a little inside when Simmons starting writing his sentimental crap) and he'll just spread more unless he's stopped!

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