Sunday, January 13, 2008

Rock of Love II Run down

If you've ever wondered what happened to those rock stars from the 80s after their albums stopped selling, all you have to do switch to VH1!

Bret Michaels throws the fact that he's getting more ass than you could ever hope for in your face for yet another season of "Rock of Love", this time it's in a nicer house (Spanish villa!) with better looking women. The women on an average are better looking this time around, although there aren't any clear-cut winners for me such as Jes or Brandi M.

My favorites at the start of the show: Kristey Joe, Eryka, Inna, Erin and Courtney.


This years Rodeo: Catherine
Catherine is 45, has two kids, and seems to feel that they have a special "bond" from the 14.3 seconds total they spent together. Rodeo is 37, has two kids, and felt that same bond as she first saw him ride up on the bike. The only place where Catherine falls short is that Rodeo is MUCH better looking.

This years Lacey: Destiney
Destiney made it a point in her personal conversation with Bret to tell him how huge a fan she was of, a PSYCHO fan of his. She couldn't go two seconds without laughing at herself. This exchange gave us the quote of the night from Bret "Ah, Destiney, with her sweet cackling laugh."
On a side note: These girls have THE dumbest names I have ever heard, especially the variations of common ones. Destiney? Eryka? Jackye? Awful.

This years Heather: Megan
Let me state this: Megan is 100x hotter than Heather, doesn't have Heather's leather skin, and is probably going to be in the final four, is not win the whole thing. That being said...I can't get into her; I can't! She seems very...bleh. Great looking, good personality, but seems soulless, like a doll.

Just a reminder: Heather, Rodeo, and Lacey will be featured in episodes this year, and I fear for Bret's life when he stumbles into Lacey.

It was a slow first episode, as was to be expected since there were still too many girls there for you to start falling for any one of them. At the start of last season, Bret automatically eliminated five girls before they even set foot inside the house (Although Tiffany weaseled her way back in in the episode, and made 3 more episodes) and it was thought that he would do the same this time. At the beginning, Bret selected four girls who all thought their asses were grass, but instead he made them V.I.P.s, which meant that they all received special private time with Bret. This was made to be pointless since the lovely Inna kept jumping on Bret when she was soaking wet.

Since I'm not really feeling this episode (just like I wasn't feeling last years first episode before I became obsessed) and I have to write a real one for the Herald later, I'm going to cut it short and say that my girl, Erin was already eliminated. This was probably because she was exactly like Jes: young, impressionable, didn't know what she really wanted. Bret probably didn't want to go through the whole show again just to be kicked to the curb once more, so he just cut her off at the pass. It's a shame, though, because she was/is gorgeous.

Before I go, however, I will give my run down:

Sexiest: Kristey Joe/ Eryka
Ugliest: Daisy and Angelina (the French girl)
Funniest: Megan
Most like a Long Island girl: Jackye (gone)
Most beautiful: Erin (gone-was like Jes and Sam from last year)
Reminded me the most of an ex-Courtney (gone)
What the fuck? moment: tie- Courtney is passed out drunk on the couch, then the bed during eliminations, where she is thus let go; and the preview for "Over Her Dead Body" starring Eva Longoria-Parker. Worst. Movie. Ever.

Next week I'll actual run down who was eliminated and what happened, because the first episode is usually pointless for this.

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