Sunday, January 20, 2008

Rock of Love II-Week 2

All new episode tonight; I had to TiVo it because I just HAD to see Favre lose, because as Gallagher Rule #1 goes: The team that a Gallagher roots for will always lose.

This week started off with Courtney finding out that she was kicked off the show, the morning after she passed out drunk on the couch downstairs. Hate to say it, but Courtney looked like she would have been great for the show. LOVE the breastaseses. With the drinking and the sluttiness, and the cans it makes me miss my ex ex.

Anyhow...after the ceremonial kicking out of Maria-er, Courtney, the girls have to put on a show for Bret. As the girls are getting ready, Sara (I'll get pics up later in the post) is overheard by Inna as saying that she only did the show as a dare, so Inna and Aubrey convene and decide to tell Bret what Inna had heard. Someone wrote a poem, Peyton planned on playing the drums, Sara belly-danced, and others tried to sing. When the time came to perform, however, it turned out that it was a strip show! Bret met them at the stripping booth in the basement (Was this in the rental house beforehand?) and besides Angelique (Spelling?) no one stripped down to the goods. Angelique had originally made a cake for Bret, then she ended up rubbing the cake on her breasts and eating it off of them...this is why the show has good ratings. Bret fell inlove with Kristey Joe when she...ironed his shirt, then when he wanted ANOTHER show of her, she took of her own shirt to reveal her red bra...QUICKLY turning into my second favorite, after Megan. Ambre wrapped herself up as a gift (apparently gift wrapping is her talent...not a joke; she said so), and she's easily the sweetheart of the show. The winners of the competition were Ambre, Peyton and Aubrey, with the only surprise that Inna hasn't killed anyone yet. Inna is sexy as hell, but she's this years Lacey (at least that's what the producers would like us to think) and she's a little too...well...big.

After the competition, the three remaining VIP's from the first episode (Daisy, Megan, and Destiney) went to bed since they were tired, and didn't want to party that night. Apparently this broke one of Bret's, ahem, "Bret's Rules of Rock and Roll Rules" (That's right) and Bret was f'n pissed. So the next day, they wake up and Bret confronts them about this, chastising the three and they sit home while Peyton, Aubrey and Ambre go on their date. The date is the four of them going to an ATV park (wtf?), where we find out that Ambre was in a relationship for 7 years that ended three years ago, and this makes her look better to Bret. Somehow, this is Ambre's best date ever. I'll repeat that how it seems: Ambre's best date in her life was an ATV trail with Bret Michaels and two strangers that she's never met before. Nice. By the way, the second I see them on the bikes I automatically flash back to last season, when Dallas just ate it falling off the bike at 40mph.

While the four of them are out blazing the trails, Megan, Daisy, and Destiney make a "We're Sorry" card for Bret and wait on the stairs for him to get home. Inna and Angelique see this and IMMEDIATELY dress up in their sluttiest outfits and sit on the chairs next to the stairway. The three other girls get pissed, move closer to the door, and this makes Inna and Frenchy move in front of them with the chairs. The five start to scream at one another, and Bret walks in and is instantly throwing into Inna's breasts, while still holding Ambre's hand. Bret asks Inna and Angelique to go wait in his room, where after looking at the card, he meets them and says that the next competition should be an "Old School Dancing Competition". Dumb, I know, but still funny results.

Only one girl the entire time could dance. Roxy did the funky chicken, and I can't believe I'm writing this, but she does a great funky chicken. Niki didn't even know how to do a fucking Robot, and all of the other dances (running man, Lawn Mower, FUCKING SPRINKLER) were all wrong and dumb. Kristey Joe did a half worm; my friend's fiance instantly labeled "the Seal". Bret liked the fact that at least her breasts were bouncing. Inna and Mr. French don't have to do the dances because the two of them and Bret are the judges. They chose Foxy and Destiney, who did the running man horribly but looked good doing it.

At the beginning, I thought to myself "Where the fuck is Rodeo-er, Catherine?!" She didn't say one word the entire episode. This doesn't make me sad or happy, just a fact. Things start off with Bret trying to talk to Sara from across the room, Inna being a bitch and pulling a Lacey (interjecting herself into the conversation saying "sweetie" and garbage), and finally Bret calling Sara over. Sara said that she was dared in a sense that no one thought she would have enough self-esteem to go through with it, but Bret didn't care because he doesn't want ANY static this season, so he kicked her out. After her, the next two to go home tonight were Niki (Bye, Sammy) and Korie. Honestly, I didn't even know that Korie existed until this episode. They didn't even show her ass until right before the second competition. So, basically, who gives a shit, still too many girls on the show.

Niki Korie Sara
Niki, Korie and Sara=CUT

Still on the show:

Megan Kristy Joe Inna
Megan, Kristey Joe, Inna, Destiney

Daisy Catherine Angelique
Daisy, Catherine, Angelique, Ambre

Aubry and Peyton.

My computer just deleted the pictures of Ambre and Destiney, but I will try my best to have them up tomorrow. However it is now 1:15 and I need some sleep. The pics will be up tomorrow!

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