Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Old News: Reds Know Shit

You have a 50-50 chance on being right on this pitch

I know this is old, but I just got around to writing about it. Francisco Crodero signed with the Cincy Reds for 4 years/$46 mil a couple of days ago.

So, what a deal! You're complaining about money woes, so you sign Cordero for $11.5 mil a year-which puts you out of the market for Dunn next year. You make Dusty " Clog'n dem bases" Baker your manager-he's notorious for killing pitchers (i.e. Prior/Wood) and not liking small ball. ALSO, you signed a closer with the money you probably should've used on a starter (Weathers wasn't THAT bad, it was more the setup men-a role Weathers now takes over for). The Reds have Arroyo, maybe Bailey, and Harang as their starters, and I think they should've saved their money for Dunn.

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