Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Philbrick-You Are A Jackass

Go here to read this crap by editor Mike Philbrick:

Look, A-rod is a dick; a huge phony that cares only about his stats and his money. That being said, he's the best player in the game, he kills the ball, and fucks supermodels...wait, now I hate him...Ok, back now.

Did you know that A-Rod was the only player playing in the playoffs for the Yankees? He also pitched with a Chien-Ming Wang mask on for two games, while he used a hologram machine to play third. He DRAGGED Derek Jeter down to nothingness, ruining Mr. November!!!11!! Plus-PLUSS-I heard from a very credible source (God) that he eats toddlers. Yep, it's true, just ask God.

THE GUY CARRIED THE YANKS THIS YEAR. The young pitching helped, and the Yanks could go without him, but for the love of CHRIST people! Now I know, I know, he's no David Eckstein, the gritty player that's horrible at everything except being hyped-But who else is David Eckstein?! Players like him only come once every 5 months people! I can't wait to hear the story of his family one more time, or how teams looked over him because of his small stature. Honestly, when is Ken Burns going to do a documentary on this guy?! PICK THE SHIT UP, KEN!

If the Yanks sign A-Rod, they'll be doing while Tea-Bagging Boras, and apparently it'll be at a discounted rate then if it was just the extension. Also, all of those "fans" that said there's no way to root for him, how about "loud"? When he hits 50+ homers for you, you better get off your fucking ass.

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